Hio Road

Hio Road is an old fire road road near Seawall Campside primarily intended for campers to use as a leisurely hiking trail.


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Trail Stats

Length 2.0 mi
Difficulty Easy
Elevation Gain 120 ft
Elevation Loss 90 ft

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Ship Harbor Nature Trail

The Ship Harbor Nature Trail is a lightly trafficked loop trail near the Bass Harbor Lighthouse. This trail is great for bird watching, as many species live in this area.

Parking is available at the trail head, on Route 102A.

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Trail Stats

Length 1.3 mi
Difficulty Easy
Elevation Gain 190 ft
Elevation Loss 190 ft

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Wonderland Trail

Wonderland Trail is a heavily trafficked trail that is located near Winter Harbor across the harbor from the rest of Acadia National Park. Wonderland Trail goes through a lovely forest before going out to the water. The trail is 1.6 miles long and is for all levels of hikers. It is a popular trail for these reasons.

There is parking right outside of the trailhead on Seawall Road.

Check out our archive page to see older versions of this TrailView! An updated TrailView is coming soon to this page.

Trail Stats

Length 0.7 mi
Difficulty Easy
Elevation Gain 70 ft
Elevation Loss 50 ft

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